The Swedish Friday Tradition – Tacos!

ALL YOU CAN EAT for 399B/person!!
“Fredagsmys” or “Cozy Friday” is the Swedish tradition of family & friends gathering to relax and unwind after a busy work week, Taco’s are a key ingredient to create this casual environment!

So come and join our Family this Friday for our Build Your Own Taco Buffet, served from 4pm!
The buffet includes our savory mincemeat (we use “blandfärs” which is 50% beef mince & 50% pork mince) cooked in a spice mix, salsa, jalapeno-and cheese dip, sour cream, guacamole, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion, sweetcorn, cheddar cheese & hard tortilla shells. We also offer weekly changing snacks for a bit of variety.
Taco buffet 399 B/person
2hrs of Free flow of Chang draught, 349 B/person

Sweden Restaurant Cajutan
21/1 Sukhumvit Soi 18. (next to Rembrandt hotell)
02-2580049 (Thai + Eng)
06-3597 9970 (Swe + Eng)

Licorice Day!

April 12th we celebrate licorice day at Cajutan!
Turkish Peber shot     79 Baht!

In Cajutan Food Shop you will find a lot of different licorice:
Hallon Lakrits Skallar
Salt Skallar
Turkisk Peppar m.m.

Restaurant Cajutan
21/1 Sukhumvit Soi 18. (next to Rembrandt hotel)
02-2580049 (Thai + Eng)
06-3597 9970 (Swe + Eng)