Avitez Premium Mineral Water at Cajutan in Bangkok

Rich in minerals sourced from the pure untouched water
in the Khao Yai  mountain range, Thailand.

The bottles is 100% made from plants, the water stays fresh and pure with no chemicals seeping into the water.

Created for the discerning people who appreciates responsible brands that enable
them to live in ways that are better for them and for the world.

24 Avitez eco-friendly bottles saves around 1L. of Oil.
49 B/bottle
Avitez eco-friendly bottles with water at Cajutan in Bangkok
Sweden Restaurant Cajutan
21/1 Sukhumvit Soi 18. (bredvid Rembrandt hotell)
02-2580049 (Thai + Eng)
06-3597 9970 (Swe + Eng)

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