Every Saturday between Noon to 2pm
10% goes to Michale Baines Foundation!
Michael Baines paintings, t-shirts and postcards will be available for purchase.
100% goes to Michale Baines Foundation!
Do you have something at home that you don’t need and want to sell?
It doesn’t matter if it’s used or new, or how many things that you want to sell or exchange, we meet, have fun and enjoy together.
Our 4-legged friends are very welcome! And of course, all four-legged friends get free water and they can also enjoy a delicious, mouth-watering ice cream!
Please book your “flea market” table as soon as possible. It’s totally FREE!
Sweden Restaurant Cajutan
21/1 Sukhumvit Soi 18. (next to Rembrandt hotel)
02-2580049 (Thai + Eng)
06-3597 9970 (Swe + Eng)