Det är med stolthet vi presenterar Cajutans nästa utställare.
Christopher Ali Saheb-Ettaba
Don´t ever ask him to tell a lie!
Lördag 28 Sept. 15.00 – 18.30
Snacks och dryck serveras. 15% rabatt på vår meny från lunch.
Sweden Restaurant Cajutan
21/1 Sukhumvit Soi 18. (bredvid Rembrandt hotell)
02-2580049 (Thai + Eng)
085-2945241 (Swe + Eng)

Ali draws because he loves it.
It’s his universe, one where he translates the world he sees around him into art.
Animals are his friends, and they communicate with him.
Dogs, birds, monitor lizards, cats, monkeys, even rats come to life as characters on Ali’s cartoon pages.
His message is simple “Get back to nature!”
Who knew nature could be so amusing?
Christopher Ali Saheb-Ettaba was born in Bangkok in 1988.
From the moment he could crawl, he began to draw, starting with his favorite characters from Sesame Street to developing his own ideas from the world around him.
Beginning life living in a Safari Park, and living in many exotic locations from Bangkok, Kathmandu, Burma, Singapore, California, Shanghai, Chiangmai and Bingo Beach, he’s experienced many cultures and artistic styles.
Ali was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome and Autism when he attended his first year of high school in the US, and was ultimately rejected from the school system because of his inability to lie.
He moved to Shanghai with his father and pursued his education in the arts, developing puppets, stage scenery, storyboards and his caricatures.
However, it was the move back to Thailand and to Bingo Beach where he would enjoy a world full of animals and wild-life, starting with a dog named Bingo, (The Magical Dog) then soon there would be more dogs, assorted cats, and a baby Mynah Bird who fell from its nest and was rescued by Ali. She would grow up to be one of Ali’s best friends, her name is “Six” and although she lives in the wild, she spends a lot of time watching Ali draw and chats with him. She even delivers baby chicks into his loving hands.
Ali’s world is a magical world, one of living in the moment and observing life in the world around him.